Sunday, November 19, 2006

Addendum: Itchy Ponderings on a Hot Night…

I made several mistakes tonight. The first one was to sit in the living room for too long once the house became empty. The second one was having my music on random. And the third mistake I made was to open my bedroom door to the balcony.

It is a hot night. Absolutely gorgeous. The sort of night that makes you wish you had someone by your side to soak it up with. I sat in the living room and my brain started working. I wont go into or on about the details, leave it at saying that no one is meant to be alone… we are social creatures and as much as we might thrive on being alone (as I do most of the time, I enjoy being by myself; my company is as good as 90% of any of the people I’ve ever met) we all crave someone to be with. Saying you don’t miss something ‘till its gone doesn’t do it justice either. Some things are great to experience by yourself and relate to other people (my trip is on the whole going to be a huge growing experience for me and something I have to do alone) But I think life just isn’t always complete unless you have shared experience with someone you… Anyway, I wasn’t going to go on about it, so I’ll stop there.

In my slightly somber state I decided I would retreat to my bed room where I could read or listen to music or something to keep my over active mind occupied. I-Tunes had different ideas about that however and I walked up the stairs (and the drifting and haunting melodies of Josh Pyke wafted down to meet me… ) to the words “so we ask these questions, then cover our ears, but I think a question un-answered is, much worse than an answer we don’t want to hear, when your silence grows wings, and your doubts start to travel now, scenes between the virtual and real they unravel now…” what can I say to that? It almost speaks my neuroses to the letter…

So in that frame of mind I took a deep breath and kept walking to the door facing the balcony at the front of the house, looked outside, saw a beautiful evening and opened the door. Thinking that standing on the balcony in the warmth might make me feel better… I stood on the balcony in the warmth. *coughs* it was so nice I even went back inside and grabbed my good camera and the wide angle lens to take a couple of snaps… but I soon found that its impossible to take a photo that truly conveys a warm night. Above is the best I could do… photos are cold things… images that capture the moment, but you have to be there to capture the feeling of the moment. It was a nice evening. We all know the deep down joy and fuzzy feelings of a warm, slightly humid night (until you try to sleep anyway) maybe attach your feelings to my photo to get an idea. Now add to this feeling the sudden realization that you’ve been bitten in about 8 very painful places by large mosquitoes… just above the fingernail on my left ring finger, above the knuckle on my left middle finger, the inside of my wrist, the back of my neck, and the back of my legs were all targets for the buggers… if there’s an insect that I hate as much as any its mosquitoes. Don’t like flies or cockroaches much… but in general they don’t bite you and suck your blood…

Anyway… that’s been my night… not terrible, but not great… I’ll leave you with the words of the song that’s just decided to play on I-Tunes.

“They’re calling out c’mon lets go, but I’m miles away to a year before…. Think I’d like to stay a minute longer, would you like to stay a minute longer, If you’d like I’ll stay a minute longer…” A Minute Longer – Stereophonics


Liney said...

Oo... I'm actually signed into this website. I had to comment.

Liney said...

Eventhough... this isn't my blogger account? See... you should have done computer and information whatever... you could've helped me out here. Anyways - it's your random internet friend from :)