Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hot milk on a hot night - no sleep again...

So last night was the 4 week mark till I leave. Didn’t sleep well last night… not sleeping so far tonight either. And I tried… I really did… last night I think I hit deep sleep at about 4.30am… roughly… and I had my alarm set for 5.30 to go for a run… which I haven’t done in ages. Maybe that’s one of the problems… too much energy ‘cause I’ve not been running… hmm…anyway, I got up at 7.

Lots on my mind though. Yeah, lots. But I don’t want to labor you with my concerns, suffice to say that some things seem to go thru my head more than others when I lay in bed at night, staring at the place where roughly I would see the ceiling if it was light.

Have tried the old warm milk again, and it seems to be working; my eyes are getting heavy and squinty. Or it could just be that my laptop screen is too bright for using in a pitch black room. I’m going to say it’s the milk…

Thinking about going to the gym tomorrow… also thinking of riding my bike into work… also thinking of getting up at 5.30 and going for a run… Thinking in general that I’d like to be as fit as possible before I go away. I spoke today to a guy at work who’s from Toronto, and asked him what I should expect of winter over there, he said it’s quite likely that this is going to be another mild winter, and to only expect an average of about -20C. He said (in response to my look of astonishment mixed with a liberal amount of disbelief and a healthy dash of “get lost”) that it’s nothing for it to get down to -35C or there abouts on a bad day… SO… That’s good then… good thing I got this Ice Breaker stuff… I just hope it works as well as the price gives me the hope that it will. But yeah, I don’t think I’ll exactly get a chance to go out for a run at any point over this winter, so I’d like to be as healthy and physically fit as possible before I plunge into the icy winter of the northern hemisphere.

My situation puts me in mind of those slightly eccentric Scandinavians that sit in a sauna for a while and then run naked and jump in an icy pond while whipping themselves with birch branches… except for the nakedness and whipping (I think…). Leaving mid-summer (there’s a pretty good chance it will be in the mid 40s here) and arriving in mid winter… hmmm good idea that one… *rolls eyes*

Anyway, I’m going to try to sleep again…


Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?"/ Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
- Charles M. Schulz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

take care