Monday, February 05, 2007

Bahsten and beyond...

So… Boston was fun… as always, met nice people at the hostel, this time another English guy and another French guy, this time who could speak English quite well… still hilarious some of the things he said, but good people. I found that the Boston accent is in some cases very Australian sounding... which was cool...

Anyway, Friday night was the Boston hostel’s pub crawl… well, not so much of a pub crawl, as go to a pub, then go to a dance club… which we did… and on the first night in Boston this season that they’ve had real snow. Excellent… Anyway, it was a good night, there were only about 8 of us in total, all guys… one other Aussie, which is always nice… I think I would have had a much better time if I hadn’t drunk so much… I was pretty sick… and once again, I had a bus to catch the next morning… Stupid… oh well… its all good now. So anyway, it was pretty funny, at one point we got “scouted”; a couple of girls sent they’re male friends over to find out about us (me and the other Aussie) and then came over afterwards and tried to pick us up… it was interesting… and at the same time, I wasn’t interested in the slightest… from that point on I don’t really remember much… apart from maybe finding out that it was some random girls birthday at the dance club… maybe... *shrugs*

Like I said, the bus trip from Boston to NYC was okay apart from my hangover… the bus was absolutely packed. Then I caught the subway from the bus depot to about 3 blocks from the hostel. Again this would have been fantastic if it wasn’t for the hangover, and the bag that I must have somehow packed to be unevenly weighted to the left while I was still drunk and hung over that morning… today should be much better, I packed a lot lighter and I got about 15 hours sleep…

Anyway, I’m off to see the Big Apple...

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