Friday, January 26, 2007

Considering... ?

It’s -15C outside… I have to walk to Shannon’s place at some point this morning to have a shower, then I wanted to go into town. But its minus fifteen degrees out there… that’s just not sensible. You have to think that whoever settled Canada must have got here after a particularly mild winter and had made enough headway by the following winter that there was no turning back. You just don’t build cities where it gets this friggin cold, this be hibernating weather…

Yesterday I woke up at my current standard time of nearly midday. Which corresponds directly to 2 things, the first that my current standard time that I'm going to bed is somewhere between 2 and 3am, and the second being that I have no particular reason to get up any earlier most days. Today however I am up at 10am. A much more reasonable hour, and having said that, if it was Sunday, I would have already missed my bus. I’m going to have to set an alarm… someone remind me… anyway, all the plans are looking good, and I only have one gripe to voice, and that is directed at the greyhound bus company – both US and Canadian sides of the border… it seems that there is no easy way to buy a bus ticket that takes you across the border. All other tickets can be purchased either on line or in person at another bust terminal, but if you want, for example, to purchase a ticket from Montreal, to Boston, as I do, there are some limitations. Well, really, there’s only the one limitation, and that is that you can’t buy it from anywhere but the Montreal Bus terminal. Which unfortunately forgoes the chance of getting the cheaper fare and saving myself $25. On top of that, when I tried to buy the ticket at the Toronto bus terminal, all they said is “no, we can’t do that here” further information was not forthcoming as to HOW or WHERE I could actually buy the ticket, calling the greyhound company directly to try to buy the ticket over the phone, I found out that apparently the US side of the company can’t process international credit cards. Which I find odd, having bought all my tickets that way so far… but “Maybe the Canadians can help you”. Maybe not…

On other news… ah… yeah… well… um… the latest album by “The Shins” is pretty good… I like it anyway… that’s about it… been pretty quiet…

I need a shower

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